Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Border Wars Information

 The Boys Team will be racing this Saturday at the Border Wars Invitational, held at the Valley Regional  Sports Park ( 5100 S, 2700 W., Taylorsville).

The Team will meet at AFHS at 6:30 for a light jog and visualization. The bus will leave AFHS at 7:15 AM. All athletes must ride on the bus in order to compete. Any athlete that misses the bus will not be allowed to race. Parents may take their athlete home after team cooldowns are completed, and if a coach has been notified.

Race Schedule:
9:20 - Senior JV Boys
10:00 - Junior JV Boys
11:20 - Championship Boys
12:00 - Sophomore JV Boys
12:20 Championship Awards
1:00 - Freshman JV Boys

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