Monday, August 26, 2024

Timpanogos Invite Information

 The Boys and Girls Teams will be competing this Friday at the Timpanogos Invitational, held at the Lakeside Sports Park  (400 South 1850 West in Orem).

The bus will leave AFHS at 7:30 AM. All athletes must ride on the bus in order to compete. Any athlete that misses the bus will not be allowed to race. The bus will return to AFHS and AFJHS for the remainder of the school day after the meet. Parents may take their athlete back to school  after team cooldowns are completed, and if a coach has been notified.

Race Schedule:
9:00 - Girls Frosh-Soph JV
9:30 - Boys Frosh-Soph JV
10:00 - Girls Junior-Senior JV
10:30 - Boys Junior-Senior JV
11:00 - Girls Varsity
11:30 - Boys Varsity
11:45 - Awards

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