Sunday, August 18, 2024

This Week's Meet Information

 Girls Team
The Girls Team will be racing this Thursday at the Park City Twilight Invitational. The meet will be held at the Quinn's Junction Athletic Fields.
The bus will leave AFHS at 3:30 PM. All athletes must ride on the bus to the meet. Athletes who miss the bus will not be allowed to compete.Parents may take their athlete home after the meet if they bhave done their team cooldown and a coach has been notified.

Race schedule

5:30 open race
6:10 girls JV
6:50 boys JV
7:30 girls varsity (10 runners allowed per team)
8:00 boys varsity (10 runners allowed per team)
8:25 awards (team awards and top 10 individuals in each race)

Boys Team
The Boys Team will race Saturday at the Wahsatch Rendezvous. The meet will be held at the Cottonwood Complex (4300 S. 1300 W.) in Salt Lake City. The bus will leave AFHS at 6:30 AM. All athletes must ride on the bus to the meet. Athletes who miss the bus will not be allowed to compete. Parents may take their athlete home after the meet if they have done their team cooldown and a coach has been notified.

If an athlete does not have their registermyathlete documentation completed, transfer documentation completed, or their activity fee not paid, they will not be able to compete. Meet registration deadlines are Tuesday for the girls meet and Thursday for the boys meet.

Race Schedule:
JV Boys 3 Mile - 8:00 AM
Varsity Boy #7 - 8:30 AM
Varsity Boys #6 - 8:45 AM
Varsity Boy #5 - 9:00 AM
Varsity Boys #4 - 9:15 AM
Varsity Boy #3 - 9:30 AM
Varsity Boys #2 - 9:45 AM
Varsity Boys #1 - 10:00 AM

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